Waylen Bay Scout Group, WA

Waylen Bay/Heathcote Reserve are ideal beach and bushland environments for observing and recording environmental changes. The walk starts at Waylen Bay Scout Hall, The Strand Applecross. The trail also has Geocaching Activities and details can be located at www.waylenbayscouts.org.au. They can be used by themselves or in conjunction with the Species Identification list for extra fun.

How to get involved?  

Visit Waylen Bay Sea Scouts website. Try your hand at Geocaching. Walk the trail with your community group, friends or family.

You can also observe the Waylen Bay Sea Scouts Sedge Rehabilitation project on the beach outside the Scout Hall. Sedge planting is vital to the rehabilitation of the Swan River foreshore.

For more information contact trail coordinator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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