Tinaroo EEC, QLD

TERN’s Australian SuperSite Network have launched a ClimateWatch trail at Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre (TEEC) - a state government-run centre in far-north Queensland with a 25 year history of providing education on land care, outdoor pursuits and sustainability.

How to get involved

ClimateWatch sightings from Tinaroo EEC will also be compared to ecosystem monitoring data collected by scientists at the nearby Robson Creek Node of the TERN Far-North Queensland Rainforest SuperSite in Danbulla National Park.

Citizen science programs like this are an important component of TERN’s national ecosystem science research infrastructure. Community knowledge about and support for environmental science is developed through citizen science, and they provide individuals with a tangible way of getting involved in environmental issues. Moreover, citizen science programs help ensure that science is more attuned to community needs and interests.

For more information on this project and others by TERN’s Australian SuperSite Network please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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